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  • 6th Annual Hope
    Golf Outing

    Registration Open!
    Join us on September 30, 2024

  • Volunteer and
    Internship positions
    are now open!
  • One for Two
    One Paid Therapy Session
    Pays For Two Kids In Need.

1 In 7 Children In Uganda are Living with a Disability

Many of them have never received the therapy services that they desperately need to live full, meaningful, and happy lives.

Hope Speaks comes alongside families and children with disabilities to provide speech, language, feeding and physical therapy to inspire hope and raise voices in Uganda.

We Need Your Help

Give Hope

Give Hope

Make a Gift

Bring Hope

Bring Hope

Become a Volunteer

Speak Hope

Speak Hope

Become a Hope Speaks Advocate

Give the Gift of Communication

Sponsor Any of the Below!


Provides a nutritional package for a family in our community


Provides a full day of FREE therapy at one of our outreach clinics


Provides therapy tools, assessments and resources for a child for a year


Funds a full week of therapy for ONE Ugandan Therapist


Pays a salary for a Ugandan Therapist for an entire month


Purchases a mobile therapy center, providing therapy in remote regions

Interested in Sponsoring?

Sponsoring those in need can be a wonderful gift. Learn more on how you can help today.

From Our Blog


Dear Friends, 

End of Year Publication Stories


I met Kenny* over two months ago,” said Daniel, a speech and language therapist at Hope Speaks. “He came in the therapy room with his grandmother and the she tried to explain the child's condition to me. She sounded so depressed at the time, but after our discussion, she was determined to do all the recommended exercises.” Kenny is an almost three-year-old boy who lives in the Nsambya slum of Kampala. He has cerebral palsy and seizures, which are now controlled by medication. After three weeks of therapy, Kenny was already making progress and formulating words.

Anna's Story | Giving Tuesday

Imagine being trapped inside a body where you have many thoughts, many feelings, many needs, and so many things to say but no voice. Meet 7-year old Anna, one of the children we see twice a week at our new outreach clinic in Kasokoso slum. When she came to our clinic, Anna was not making any clear sounds and was very limited in her ability to communicate. Another Hope Speaks family had told us about Anna, and we decided to do a home visit.

More Than Just Speech Therapy

Hey everyone!

My name is Aubrey and I’m a clinical fellow SLP for Hope Speaks. I’m excited to have the chance to share a little about my journey and all the wonderful things that are happening because of Hope Speaks’ ministry!

Reflecting a Greater Purpose Through a New Name and Look

When we landed in the pearl of Africa, we hit the ground running. Our days blur together as we shuffle from one place to the next offering our skills and time to provide therapy and support to as many kids as possible. We are overwhelmed by the need, but overjoyed by the opportunity to change lives here in Uganda. It’s easy to do our part, because every day we see kids in various circumstances doing their part to thrive. We began to contemplate designing a new logo to accurately capture the essence of our speech therapy ministry.

“Right Now You Have the Power to Say, ‘I Will Not Let Their Story End Like This.'”
I want to introduce you to a girl who is so close to my heart. After meeting this young woman for the first time and hearing her story, I couldn’t keep it together.
Empowering & Equipping
This past week, I had the opportunity to hold not one but three staff trainings with organizations working with children with special needs in Uganda!
Carol // From Isolation to Integration
We would like to share with you the following story about a girl named Carol whom we met about three weeks ago in the slums:
New Beginnings…
We made it! It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two weeks since we left the Mitten State and headed out on this new adventure!


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Take Action

No matter where you’re coming from or what stage of life you’re in, we believe everyone is called to make a difference. If you would like to join with us to make a difference in Uganda, we would love to have you! Find out what you can do today!