Speech Therapy | Volunteers
- FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS YOU MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN SLP or SUPERVISING PROFESSOR IN ORDER TO SERVE WITH US. They must travel with you to Uganda. No unaccompanied undergraduate students will be able to serve with us by themselves. (new policy from clinical committee)
- Time Commitment: minimum three weeks
Orientation & Training
- Regular Intern Work – assisting in day-to-day program needs
Community Education & Outreach
- Patient Evaluations and treatment (based on level of training and clinical experience)
- Community outreach and education
- Required training prior to arriving in Uganda to perform evaluations
- Observation hours available
- Post trip ambassador
- Time Commitment: minimum three weeks
Orientation & Training
- Regular Intern Work – assisting in day-to-day program needs
Community Education & Outreach
- Patient evaluations and treatment (based on level of training and clinical experience)
- Community outreach and education
- Observation and clinical hours available
- SLPA practice
- Evaluations and treatment are supervised by an ASHA certified clinician as per ASHA requirements for supervision
- Limited CFY offered annually
- Post trip ambassador
- Must hold ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence
- Time Commitment – minimum 10 days to allow for orientation and cultural readiness
- Patient evaluations & treatment, train staff and caregivers, supervise intern evaluations and treatment, community education and outreach
Even if you aren’t working in the field of speech pathology, we’d love to introduce you to our ministry.
Please send an email to info@joinhopespeaks.org and share your passion for ministry and how you’d like to serve with Hope Speaks.
(Subscribe to our newsletter where we post service needs, etc.) Let us know if you are exploring a possible career in speech pathology.
2025 Summer Trip Dates
For the following trips, the first date is the date you will arrive in Uganda.The last date is the date you would fly out of Uganda. For planning purposes, you will be leaving the day before the first date, and returning the day after the last date.
May 16- June 6, 2025
If approval is given, a $100 non-refundable deposit must be made and a background check passed. Once that is done, you will need $2000 in your fundraising account page before we can book your flights. The balance of $3000 will be due 6 weeks before you leave. (Deadline for this trip is Feb 16, 2025)
June 13- July 4, 2025
If approval is given, a $100 non-refundable deposit must be made and a background check passed. Once that is done, you will need $2000 in your fundraising account page before we can book your flights. The balance of $3000 will be due May 31. (Deadline for this trip is March 13, 2025)
July 11- August 1, 2025
If approval is given, a $100 non-refundable deposit must be made and a background check passed. We then will need $2200 (or more) raised/paid, so we can book your flights. The later we book the flights, the higher the flight costs. (You pay difference above $2200). The balance of $3100 will be due by the end of June. (Deadline for this trip is March 31, 2025)
2025 Trip Costs
The cost of each of the 3-week trips for 2025 will be $5000 for May/June trips and $5300 (possibly more due to increase in flights) for July/August trips. This includes: Airfare, lodging in a beautiful guest house with 24/7 security, 2 meals/day, ground transportation while in country (either Hope Speaks vehicle or taxi with Hope Speaks staff), health insurance while in country, WIFI internet, laundry, utilities, a donation to Hope Speaks programming, and processing fees.
Not included in the cost: Immunizations prior to travel to Uganda, the $55 Ugandan visa (online prior to trip), phone data, possible meals out to eat, snacks, souvenirs, personal expenses, and excursions (safari and other optional outings depending on what you would like to do). If you need more information on any more of this, please don't hesitate to ask.
*A non-refundable $100 deposit is required after your application is approved and before a background check is run to secure your trip reservation.
PLEASE NOTE: Hope Speaks is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All money that you raise for your trip is through donation to Hope Speaks and is non-refundable. Hope Speaks is legally unable to issue refunds of tax-deductible donations if your trip is canceled.
- *For Undergraduate students YOU MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY an SLP or supervising professor in order to serve with us. They must travel with you to Uganda. No unaccompanied undergraduate students will be able to serve with us by themselves. (new policy from clinical committee)
- Custom travel dates are available between September 2026 and May 2026
- If our scheduled summer trip dates do not work with your personal, work, or school schedule, we are very flexible and will try to make other arrangements so that you are able to serve with Hope Speaks when it works best for you.
- For professionals who can only volunteer for 2 weeks, the cost is $4300. Volunteers coming for 2-week trips ideally should be able to arrive on the arrival dates listed above so that team training and orientation activities are all done together with the team at the beginning.
- If you would like to join us for longer than 3 weeks, the cost is $5000 for initial 3 weeks for the May/June trips or $5300 for the July/August trips + $90/day for every additional day beyond the 3 weeks.
- If you stay longer than 3 months, the daily rate is reduced to $85/day, plus the cost of your flight and a donation to Hope Speaks for programming
- If you would like to complete your CFY with us, please request additional information from our U.S. volunteer coordinator, Deb Bratt (deb@joinhopespeaks.org)
Thank you for your interest in serving with Hope Speaks! We look forward to hearing from you!
If you have any further questions, please feel free to let us know.