Partnership Programs
Hope Speaks is looking for Private Therapy Clinics and Private Practitioners in the US to partner in our “One for One” program! It costs as little as $7 to provide a therapy session (Speech Therapy or Physical Therapy) to a child in our outreach locations - a small, voluntary addition to your therapy fees, or a tax deductible donation on behalf of your clinic can make a HUGE difference to the children we are serving!
Private clinics who subscribe to our One for One program receive promotional material (a Hope Speaks poster about the One for One program, and take home brochures for the clients), as well as a thank you gift from Uganda for your staff at the end of each year, and regular updates about how your contributions are making a difference.
You may have heard that Uganda has less than 70 qualified SLPs in the whole country, who serve around 7 million people with disabilities. One of Hope Speaks’ goals is to provide additional training and support to Ugandan SLP’s through clinical fellowships and mentorship, and to encourage recruitment through national universities to increase access to SLP education. In 2023 we are launching our “Sponsor a Therapist” program, where groups of therapists, or staff at therapy clinics can combine their donations to support the salary of a Ugandan SLP with Hope Speaks. Sponsorships range from $400-$1000 per month and will not only help children in our outreach clinics have MORE access to therapy, but will also help national SLPs with access to ASHA approved resources and training. Together, we can do more!
Supporting groups will receive regular updates from the therapist they are supporting, as well as a thank you gift from Uganda each year.
To find out more about how you can support either of these two programs, please click the button below.